Plot3D Member List
This is the complete list of members for Plot3D, including all inherited members.
autoclean(bool enable=true) -> void | Plot | inline |
border() -> BorderSpecs & | Plot | inline |
boxWidthAbsolute(double val) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
boxWidthRelative(double val) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
cleanup() const -> void | Plot | inline |
clear() -> void | Plot | inline |
draw(const std::string &what, const std::string &use, const std::string &with) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot | inline |
drawCurve(const X &x, const Y &y, const Z &z) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawCurve(const std::string &fname, const ColumnIndex &col, const ColumnIndex &ycol) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawCurveWithPoints(const X &x, const Y &y, const Z &z) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawCurveWithPoints(const std::string &fname, const ColumnIndex &xcol, const ColumnIndex &ycol) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawDots(const X &x, const Y &y, const Z &z) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawDots(const std::string &fname, ColumnIndex xcol, ColumnIndex ycol) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawHistogram(const Y &y) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawHistogram(const std::string &fname, ColumnIndex ycol) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawImpulses(const X &x, const Y &y, const Z &z) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawImpulses(const std::string &fname, ColumnIndex xcol, ColumnIndex ycol) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawPoints(const X &x, const Y &y, const Z &z) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawPoints(const std::string &fname, ColumnIndex xcol, ColumnIndex ycol) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawWithCols(const std::string &fname, const std::string &with, const std::vector< ColumnIndex > &cols) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
drawWithVecs(const std::string &with, const X &, const Vecs &... vecs) -> DrawSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
fontName(const std::string &name) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
fontSize(std::size_t size) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
gnuplot(const std::string &command) -> void | Plot | inline |
grid() -> GridSpecs & | Plot | inline |
legend() -> LegendSpecs & | Plot | inline |
m_autoclean | Plot | protected |
m_border | Plot | protected |
m_boxwidth | Plot | protected |
m_counter | Plot | inlineprotectedstatic |
m_customcmds | Plot | protected |
m_data | Plot | protected |
m_datafilename | Plot | protected |
m_drawspecs | Plot | protected |
m_font | Plot | protected |
m_grid | Plot | protected |
m_height | Plot | protected |
m_id | Plot | protected |
m_legend | Plot | protected |
m_numdatasets | Plot | protected |
m_palette | Plot | protected |
m_rlabel | Plot | protected |
m_rtics_major | Plot | protected |
m_rtics_minor | Plot | protected |
m_samples | Plot | protected |
m_style_fill | Plot | protected |
m_style_histogram | Plot | protected |
m_tics | Plot | protected |
m_width | Plot | protected |
m_xlabel | Plot | protected |
m_xrange | Plot | protected |
m_xtics_major_bottom | Plot | protected |
m_xtics_major_top | Plot | protected |
m_xtics_minor_bottom | Plot | protected |
m_xtics_minor_top | Plot | protected |
m_ylabel | Plot | protected |
m_yrange | Plot | protected |
m_ytics_major_left | Plot | protected |
m_ytics_major_right | Plot | protected |
m_ytics_minor_left | Plot | protected |
m_ytics_minor_right | Plot | protected |
m_ztics_major | Plot | protected |
m_ztics_minor | Plot | protected |
palette(const std::string &name) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
Plot() | Plot | inline |
Plot3D() | Plot3D | inline |
repr() const -> std::string override | Plot3D | inlinevirtual |
rtics() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
rticsMajor() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
rticsMinor() -> TicsSpecsMinor & | Plot | inline |
samples(std::size_t value) -> void | Plot | inline |
savePlotData() const -> void | Plot | inline |
size(std::size_t width, std::size_t height) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
styleFill() -> FillStyleSpecs & | Plot | inline |
styleHistogram() -> HistogramStyleSpecs & | Plot | inline |
tics() -> TicsSpecs & | Plot | inline |
xlabel(const std::string &label) -> AxisLabelSpecs & | Plot | inline |
xrange(const StringOrDouble &min, const StringOrDouble &max) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
xtics() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
xticsMajorBottom() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
xticsMajorTop() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
xticsMinorBottom() -> TicsSpecsMinor & | Plot | inline |
xticsMinorTop() -> TicsSpecsMinor & | Plot | inline |
ylabel(const std::string &label) -> AxisLabelSpecs & | Plot | inline |
yrange(const StringOrDouble &min, const StringOrDouble &max) -> Plot & | Plot | inline |
ytics() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
yticsMajorLeft() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
yticsMajorRight() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
yticsMinorLeft() -> TicsSpecsMinor & | Plot | inline |
yticsMinorRight() -> TicsSpecsMinor & | Plot | inline |
zlabel(const std::string &label) -> AxisLabelSpecs & | Plot3D | inline |
zrange(StringOrDouble min, StringOrDouble max) -> void | Plot3D | inline |
ztics() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
zticsMajor() -> TicsSpecsMajor & | Plot | inline |
zticsMinor() -> TicsSpecsMinor & | Plot | inline |
~Plot()=default | Plot | virtual |